Quotes From Antony And Cleopatra

With “Quotes from Antony and Cleopatra” taking center stage, this exploration delves into the profound impact of these timeless words, unveiling their significance within the play’s context and beyond.

The play, set against the backdrop of historical events, explores the tumultuous relationship between Antony and Cleopatra, providing a rich tapestry for examining themes of love, betrayal, and power.

Context and Background: Quotes From Antony And Cleopatra

Quotes from antony and cleopatra

The play “Antony and Cleopatra” by William Shakespeare is set against the backdrop of the Roman Republic’s decline and the rise of the Roman Empire. The play follows the tragic love story of Mark Antony, a triumvir of Rome, and Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt.

Their relationship is torn between their political ambitions and their personal desires.

The play explores themes of love, betrayal, and power, and it provides a glimpse into the complex political and social landscape of the time.

Famous Quotes

Quotes from antony and cleopatra

  • “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.”– Antony, describing Cleopatra’s beauty
  • “I have immortal longings in me.”– Cleopatra, expressing her desire for a life beyond the ordinary
  • “The world is mine, and yours, if you will marry me.”– Antony, offering Cleopatra the world if she will become his wife
  • “If you must die, then die like a Roman.”– Cleopatra, to Antony, urging him to commit suicide with dignity
  • “My heart is heavy.”– Cleopatra, after Antony’s death

Themes and Motifs

Love, Quotes from antony and cleopatra

Love is a central theme in the play, and it is explored through the relationship between Antony and Cleopatra. Their love is passionate and intense, but it is also doomed from the start. The play explores the different facets of love, including its power, its fragility, and its capacity for destruction.


Betrayal is another major theme in the play. Antony and Cleopatra betray each other multiple times, both politically and personally. The play explores the consequences of betrayal, and it shows how it can lead to tragedy.


Power is a third major theme in the play. Antony and Cleopatra are both powerful figures, and they use their power to achieve their goals. However, the play also explores the dangers of power, and it shows how it can corrupt and destroy.

Character Development


Antony is a complex and tragic figure. He is a powerful and ambitious man, but he is also flawed and vulnerable. He is torn between his love for Cleopatra and his duty to Rome. Antony’s character arc is one of decline and fall, and he ultimately meets a tragic end.


Cleopatra is a strong and independent woman. She is a skilled politician and a brilliant strategist. She is also a passionate and loving woman. Cleopatra’s character arc is one of growth and change, and she ultimately becomes a more complex and mature character.

Literary Devices

Shakespeare uses a variety of literary devices in “Antony and Cleopatra” to create a rich and complex play. These devices include:

  • Imagery: Shakespeare uses vivid and evocative imagery to create a sense of place and atmosphere. For example, he describes Cleopatra’s beauty as “age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.”
  • Metaphor: Shakespeare uses metaphors to compare two unlike things in order to create a new and unexpected meaning. For example, he compares Antony and Cleopatra’s love to “a burning coal that must consume itself.”
  • Simile: Shakespeare uses similes to compare two unlike things using the words “like” or “as.” For example, he compares Antony’s death to “a Roman by a Roman valiantly vanquished.”

Impact and Legacy

“Antony and Cleopatra” is one of Shakespeare’s most famous and beloved plays. It has been performed and adapted countless times, and it continues to be studied and enjoyed by audiences around the world.

The play has had a profound impact on Western culture. It has inspired countless works of art, literature, and music. It has also been used to explore and understand the human condition.

Expert Answers

What is the significance of the quote “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety”?

This quote highlights Antony’s unwavering admiration for Cleopatra’s enduring beauty and captivating nature, suggesting that her allure transcends the boundaries of time and societal norms.

How do the quotes from Antony and Cleopatra reflect the play’s themes?

The quotes encapsulate the central themes of love, betrayal, and power, providing poignant insights into the characters’ struggles and the complexities of human relationships.